totem arro

I'm considering some arros and I was looking for some feedback from people who have experience with them. What kind of music are the good at reproducing? What kind of amps work best? I hear they are best in small rooms. Whats the maximum room size they excel in? Thanks in advance for helping me out!
The Arros are very nice speakers, but I like the Ohm Walsh Micro Talls and Sjofn HiFi's Guru QM 10's even better. They are both more dynamic and sound bigger to my ears.
I've heard the Arros sound as "big" as and competitive with speakers from PSB, which I also like very much, and McIntosh that were significantly bigger and cost 3-4 times as much.

They are definitely overachievers for their size. They do seem to like a lot of power to do this though. Their thirst for power and current was surprising to me given their size, but feed them properly and you are rewarded.

Of course I like the OHM line very much too and believe they are an even better value in many cases, but they are a different breed (omnis) that may take many some time to get used to at first.

Interesting cabinet design on the QM 10s. Never heard them but would like to.
I have heard these at our local hifi store several times with electronics similiar to mine. I found them very detailed, great micro detail, deep soundstage, mid's were a little laid back, Bass was excellent for their size. A bit of a power hog (not too effecient).

In the end I found the Monitor Audio Rx6 to be a preferable speaker (will be purchasing them). Same amount of micro detail but with a warmer midrange, less grittiness on the high end, not as deep of a soundstage, but a remarkable bass (tighter,deeper and with more slam factor) bass drums sounded and "felt" like bass drums. When I watched Cowboys and Aliens with them. Voices were very clear, never had trouble making out words.

If your only using the Arro for Jazz / Classical listening at moderate volume levels I would highly recommend them. If you are going to venture into modern hip-hop / rock or blues with your Jazz, Classical and occasional movie, give the rx6 an audition.