If attending Capital Audiofest 2018, can you provide your review of the Ohm F-5015s

Forum members,

There is precious little online reviewing the performance of the Ohm F-5015 speakers with the integrated subwoofers.  If you were able to listen to them live at Capital Audiofest 2018 this weekend, please provide your thoughts as I am considering getting a pair.   

My alternative is to get the F5000 drivers (no subwoofer) to replace the now degraded drivers in my acquired and no longer functioning Ohm F's.  These will be my great room speakers.  Don't have any electronics yet, will get that after the speaker decision and purchase.

Thanks in advance
I got to spend a good bit of time with the Ohm 5015s at CAF Saturday morning. The Ohm guys were very kind and got me a Bluetooth connection from my cellphone so I was able to play some familiar stuff from my music library using Plex app.

I have similar Ohm F5 series 3 speakers in my main system at home so I was able to do a pretty good assessment of these versus mine which I have owned since 2008 and are where I spend many hours a week enjoying the music.

The speakers themselves were quite similar sounding, I would probably have difficulty telling them apart in a blind test, depending. I say depending because there are so many other variables at play way more significant than these Ohms in new Ohm F like cabinets and mine in original refurbed ones.

Realize that unlike most any other speaker out there that one might compare these with, these both are highly adjustable. There are 4 3 way level adjustments on the cans that allow you to tweak the sound considerably as desired. In the case of the 5015s you also have external power amp for the subs and that is surely adjustable as well.

The area/room the 5015s were set up in at the show was pretty daunting, on a narrow landing on the second level of a fairly large atrium or foyer with just enough room for a few seats near the speakers.

John Strohbeen confirmed to me that they were adjusted for a not so large room given the close proximity of the seating despite in fact being on the second floor in a large open two level atrium, and set up at a weird angle with no square wall behinf them in order to sound best from the seating location.

Whew! What a scenario! John Strohbeen mentioned no other vendor had ever taken this area at CAF in prior years.

So this was quite a unique setup to say the least. On the plus side, it gave the OHMs a chance to show what they can do uniquely that few others can and that is deliver a firm soundstage from most any location on the second level of the atrium which they did with spades even from the far side of the atrium listening across.

So the 5015s were adjusted down a good bit so as not to overpower the listeners in the close proximity seats. I did not notice much difference in the bass as set up coming from the subs, but I’m sure they could come in handy in some peoples cases at home if needed. I do not use subs with my OHM 5s but I use a 500w/ch amp with them and also have the bass levels toned down a bit in my ~ 20X30 L shaped listening room.

So the subs might be overkill depending. An option would be to start with 5000 drivers and no subs then add a separate sub or two later if really needed.

As with most things, it depends......

Also worth noting my F5s and 5000s are ported whereas I believe the 5015s with subs and original F cabinets are not.

The OHMs ability to deliver a unique and coherent soundstage from most any location in most any room was  prominently on display at the show and that is in fact the thing that steered me back to them for my own challenging larger L shaped listening back in 2008.

Also worh noting that OHM played a wide variety of music at the show not just the usual audiophile fare. So sound quality varied widely from excellent to just OK depending on what was playing, as it should.

I think I heard the same Stevie Ray Vaughn material in at least 4 or 5 rooms at the show. Did anyone else notice that? Did SRV cut some kind of deal for that? 😫
Heard the Ohm at the show was not impressed, heard them also last year at the New York Audio show again same reaction.

You can do much better. The new Muir Omni directional Electrostatic loudspeakers were very impressive at $15k.

Heard them with the door open at Cap from down the hall sounded so life like had to see what system was doing it. Totally amazing even in a way too small room.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

The setup of the big F5015s did not nearly give those big boys a chance to shine. I would not have chosen that location for them. John Strohbeen mentioned they did not get to see the area beforehand and it never sold in any prior show there. The speakers were clearly limited to just a good fraction of their full potential. They were pitching a 12K complete system built around those speakers there. Most people would surely end up pretty thrilled with the sound in most rooms at home. Of course there are many very good ways one can go for $12K.

My F5s at home (no built in powered subs) are very similar in size and design but differences in room and setup between what I have at home and what was at the show is too big to properly compare apples/apples.

I would have much rather heard the F5015s in the Channel D room where they were running wonderful sounding Vandersteen 5s at about 3X the cost.

The OHM library room with the surround sound setup was much better. I do not recall another surround sound setup at the show this year. I know Benchmark and Martin Logan did one last year.

I saw Art Dudley did include the OHM rooms in his Stereophile writeup and said only nice things.

@michiganbuckeye Why not contact Dale Harder at HHR Exotic Speakers and see if he can repair/ replace your Ohm F drivers? My friend has a set of Dale's TLS-1's based on the original Ohm F and they sound incredible. My understanding is that no one knows the Ohm F and A speakers better than Dale.
