Efficient 2 way bookshelf/monitors under 2k

Currently I have a Decware SET integrated running a VPI Prime, Parasound JC3+, Nagaoka MP200 cart, through  a pair of Klipsch RB5 II’s. Before you snicker at the Klipsch, they sound wonderful. Not as exact as my Thiel CS2.4’s, but wonderful none the less. I hooked these speakers up after years of just lying around, just out of curiosity and they astounded me. So natural. 

So so it got me thinking, what 2 way speaker would’ve be a good match for a 6 watt SET integrated.  I’d like something with 92db efficiency +/- and cost around $2k +/-.

These are well within your budget, sound wonderful and super easy to drive. I have a pair of these and love them!

do use the midrange phase plug?

"Paradigm Prestige 15B! Frequency response if flat 57-20000Hz within 2 db and 90 db sensitivity. Dynamic and coherent."

That 90db is listed as "room sensitivity" with anechoic listed at 87db, however measured sensitivity in a couple of reviews was 85-86db, so this speaker would be a bad choice for a SET. Not saying it's a bad speaker, but should be driven by high power solid state.

Reference 3A's are designed to be run with tube components. They respond beautifully to low wattage amps. However, trying to find a used pair of the de Capos is tough. People tend to hang on to them.
There were a lot for sale around 2008-2011 when i bought mine.  We the new BE and the weird finish the older i model has disappeared.  I love the cherry wood veneer on mine.  Don't care for the piano black finish but I have a post Victorian home :)