In my case, back around 1980, when I switched into moving coils I managed to listen to the Dynavector Ruby and the Accuphase AC-2, both of which had been judged neutral-sounding but "musical" by TAS, and finally purchased the AC-2. Two years later I bought two more (used) as backups as audiophiles abandoned them to follow Harry's "latest and greatest and more expensive" cartridges. I knew I would never upgrade my cartridge further, and never have.
Two incidentals: in today's dollars the AC-2 would fall around $1800 and the Dynavector Ruby a bit over $2000. So you might want to consider $2000 as a reasonable benchmark for getting a top-flight MC cartridge. And secondly, I still go to dozens of jazz and chamber and orchestral concerts a year. I often listen with my eyes closed, as I do when listening to my system at home. I get the same listening satisfaction from both. I'm not sure a cartridge can deliver more than that.
Excellent post Harrylavo.
I agree. The Accuphase AC2 is a seriously good cartridge. I bought one online a few months ago that was missing a stylus but otherwise appeared to be in very good condition in the photos. Picked it up for next to nothing and then had Andy Kim fit a Namiki boron cantilever with Microridge stylus on it and rework the suspension (if it indeed needed it).
So I have about $600 U.S. into this cartridge and it will probably be the last one I own. I'll simply retip it every 2000 hours or so. Should last me a very long time.
I've had pretty good luck rebuilding/retipping lesser cartridges in the past and took a flyer on this one. Alternatively, in a new cartridge I probably would have just popped for the Audio Technica ART 9. But the Accuphase piqued my curiosity based on what I'd read about it and as a low impedance design was a very good fit with my phono stage.
I realize that vintage (either in MM or MC) or rebuilding is not for everyone or at least the feint of heart, but that is where the big value is in the cartridge market now with prices escalating as they have in the past 5 years or so.
Even the Accuphase 5 was over $4000 when it was current; the new Accuphase 6 appears to be that or a bit more. And the Dynavector SV1-S and SV1-T are $5600 and $9500 respectively.
The current prices on cartridges are nuts.