@harrylavo Very NICE post. Thank you for not posting the usual drivel about why are we discussing this subject etc.,
I also read extensively HP’s work. He was one of the very few writers who generally called it as he heard it, as such I think you could put some reliance on his review. Assuming, of course, that you tended to agree with his aural thoughts and discoveries ( which I did). Unfortunately, I think there were two problems in later year with this approach, one of which you mentioned. That first problem was that as time went by, HP tended to rely on his memory, which as you pointed out wasn’t a great way to go. The other problem, which you didn’t mention, is that he was getting the results that he did with matching to certain gear, if there was a synergy, he didn’t report on the synergy aspect, only on the result of the particular piece in question ( which IMO is ok). However, the risk of a non synergistic alliance was still a factor, as it is today! Today, I think the aspect of synergy with the ancillary gear is more important than ever, and will show its ugly head quicker if you get it wrong. That, plus the fact that the writings of people like MF are, at least IME, not anywhere near as reliable in regards to their findings as HP.
I also read extensively HP’s work. He was one of the very few writers who generally called it as he heard it, as such I think you could put some reliance on his review. Assuming, of course, that you tended to agree with his aural thoughts and discoveries ( which I did). Unfortunately, I think there were two problems in later year with this approach, one of which you mentioned. That first problem was that as time went by, HP tended to rely on his memory, which as you pointed out wasn’t a great way to go. The other problem, which you didn’t mention, is that he was getting the results that he did with matching to certain gear, if there was a synergy, he didn’t report on the synergy aspect, only on the result of the particular piece in question ( which IMO is ok). However, the risk of a non synergistic alliance was still a factor, as it is today! Today, I think the aspect of synergy with the ancillary gear is more important than ever, and will show its ugly head quicker if you get it wrong. That, plus the fact that the writings of people like MF are, at least IME, not anywhere near as reliable in regards to their findings as HP.