Suggestions for Class D amplifiers with Marantz AV7704 and B&W cdm9nt combo for HT.

I am considering class D options for a multi channel HT setup. Partly because of where the amps have to go ( enclosed cabinet.  Not sure if fans will be enough to keep other amps cool enough.

I acquired a Marantz AV7704 and plan to use my current speakers ( B&W cdm 9nts and mated surrounds etc ) and so last piece is the amp. 

Are the current class D amps capable of reproducing solid sound quality across the board?

Used is okay. I was looking at:

Red Dragon
ATI Hypenx

Will any of these mix well with my setup? If so - what else would you suggest to make the most of the gears? Certain fuses, power cords, ICs, etc... suggestions welcomed.

Are there other class D solutions that are a better fit?
Thanks to all who have responded.

If given the choice -- Class AB is still the go-to choice? I was looking at the cabinet again - as a Class D choice is not my first choice - and I can install thermo-controlled fans in the cabinet to bring in cooler air and exhaust hot air... or I can leave the doors open during use I guess.

I will check out the amps  you suggested.

I have a Wyred 4 Sound ST-1000 MK2 that I used in my HT setup with a Marantz AV8801 (since replaced by a AV7704) and also for 2 channel (separate preamp with HTBP).  It's a great amp with tons of power, excellent bass control, and a very clean sound. 

I recently replaced it with Rogue Audio M180 monoblocks which have a bit more top end detail and better soundstage.  I felt the W4S amp could go louder with less distortion.

I'm now using the W4S amp in my bedroom system now for home theater and 2 channel through a Jolida Fusion tube preamp and it sounds wonderful.  

The speakers I used it with are Legacy Audio Focus 20/20 and Klipsch KLF-30.  Both very large speakers and very efficient with large woofers.  The W4S amp is an excellent match especially with the KLF-30 speakers which can be "bright" with the wrong amp.  Excellent bass control and a very clean and detailed but not "edgy" or "bright" top end.

The W4S beats all the other amps I've owned (Emotiva, Krell, Rotel, Sunfire, Lexicon, Parasound) except the Rogue monoblocks and if I had to get rid of them I'd be very happy going back to the W4S amp.
Class AB is still the go-to choice? I was looking at the cabinet again - as a Class D choice is not my first choice - and I can install thermo-controlled fans in the cabinet to bring in cooler air and exhaust hot air... or I can leave the doors open during use I guess.

I don't think so, no.

I think we are well past this. Which amp and which speaker matters. My current Class D are far better than a lot of Class A/B amps, and some Class A amps I've heard, some megabucks. 
The amp / speaker integration matters a lot more than which class of amplifier.

The rest is snobbery. 
My suggestion is get a Class D amp you like the sound of, and put a portable digital thermometer there to figure out if you need anything else.

I still love my Wyred4sound SX-500 monos feeding Von Schweikert Speakers. Detailed with natural voices and solid bass, at least in my room. 
I am not into class D and not a fan of it. Class D amps are fine to power surround speakers or Atmos overhead ceiling speakers in a HT setup. I would never use class D amps for stereo music playbacks.
While it’s true that today current class D design amps have come a long way and have improved quite a bit compared to older class D designs from back in a day like some 10 to 15 yrs ago or older, but they are still lacking body, volume, air, midrange bloom, full mid-bass & bass power and overall musicality in comparison to very high quality analog or class A & AB designs IMO. Class D can usually sound leaner thinner lacking body and volume and somewhat analytical and lacking that lush analog sound and don’t sound liquid and fluid as good class A & AB designs. It's true that today modern class D designs have smoother highs compared to older class D designs from back in the day.