Agreed that polypropylene is best for the money. Improvements on polyp are incremental and absolutely not worth it - unless you are a hobbyist who wants to see how far he can go, just because.
What I see in Plitron (theoretically) is two things: first, the two plates of the ESL are driven by the same core, so they can be precisely balanced; and second, they offer 75:1 step-up instead of 250:1. Since I committed to 75:1 with 25V rails, going back to 250:1 would involve re-engineering the protection circuits.
Rather than that, I would try to build high voltage amps to drive the Quads directly. Wish me luck - and long life!
What I hear (subjectively) is that the Plitron 2905's are much brighter than the remaining stock 2905, without sounding harsh. Piano on vinyl sounds quite similar to the instrument upstairs on the modified units. The unmodified unit sounds mellow but imprecise compared to the Plitronned. In fairness I must add that this was accomplished with the help of nichrome wire and a small inductor to equalize primary impedance over the frequency band, as per the Vandersteen data sheets.
My DC offset used to be 50mV or less. What it is now is a good question, one that you have prompted me to ask. Thank you.
What I see in Plitron (theoretically) is two things: first, the two plates of the ESL are driven by the same core, so they can be precisely balanced; and second, they offer 75:1 step-up instead of 250:1. Since I committed to 75:1 with 25V rails, going back to 250:1 would involve re-engineering the protection circuits.
Rather than that, I would try to build high voltage amps to drive the Quads directly. Wish me luck - and long life!
What I hear (subjectively) is that the Plitron 2905's are much brighter than the remaining stock 2905, without sounding harsh. Piano on vinyl sounds quite similar to the instrument upstairs on the modified units. The unmodified unit sounds mellow but imprecise compared to the Plitronned. In fairness I must add that this was accomplished with the help of nichrome wire and a small inductor to equalize primary impedance over the frequency band, as per the Vandersteen data sheets.
My DC offset used to be 50mV or less. What it is now is a good question, one that you have prompted me to ask. Thank you.