hi, just to let you know how good then ren 90's are i also have them in black ash and will never sell them they are that good, i had the irs sigmas and liked the sound of the ren 90's better, to me the sigmas woofer did not blend into the emim as nice as the ren 90, the ren 90 just has a nice warmth to the mid bass that is to die for, i also had the mts prelude and when i compared them side by side with the ren 90's there was no contest the rens won, the ren 90's are a more musical speaker and i think the preludes are made for ht, the real joke was when i played jewel live she is playing an acoustic guitar while singing, the ren's ripped an image of her so much better that you would swear she was in the room with you and the acoustic guitar was spot on, i had to laugh, on the preludes the guitar strings sounded like plastic, thats when i sold the preludes, i was running them on a pass labs x-250 power amp, adcom 750 pre, sony es cd player, i would not touch the crossover as infinity used computers to design them and spent countless hours tweaking and choosing the right parts to get a flat frequency response, if you change caps or coils i think you will alter their sound for the worse, i would leave them stock, nice pickup on your ren 90's i saw the for sale ad for the too, the guy also just sold the blond pair, enjoy your new ren 90's.