Melbguy + others
IMO the only real shortcoming of the emit tweeter is the narrowing dispersion at very high frequencies. This results in a rolloff of high frequencies above 10KHz at > 25 degrees off axis and a rising response - on axis. For this reason the amount of 'toe in' becomes very critical in achieving the right tonal balance which makes then Ren's more of a 'one person' speaker because the sweet spot is very narrow. I have experimented (in the past) with ribbon super tweeters (sitting on top of the cabinets) to supplement the dispersion above 10Khz but I found that it was best to cross over (via a passive network) just above 10KHz, but the additional crossover introduces time alignment complications which can take plenty of listening time to fully optimise. However I was able to acheive excellent results using Raven R1's as super tweeters with a first order crossover at 10KHz. This made the horizontal dispersion really wide and gave the treble more 'air' creating an even bigger soundstage. Unfortunately the trade off was poorer vertical beamwidth (due to the distance between the EMIT and the Ravens) and this made listener height more critical. However I did persist with this setup for some time because it worked better in my room. I'm now using Raal ribbon tweeters which sit on top of the cabinets and the EMITs are no longer connected. This avoids the interactions between tweeters but the larger distance between the EMIM and the Raals does reduce the vertical sweet spot. I will probably (ultimately) go back to using the EMITs with the Raals purely as super tweeters because the EMITs IMO are better than all of the pure ribbon tweeters I've tested in the low range (2 - 6 KHz). The Ravens in particular are very poor performers below 6KHz where they sound very thin and dynamically very lacking. They are a very over rated tweeter IMO but they do work well as super tweeters due to the 50KHz BW and performance above 10KHz is pretty good.
FWIW I'm about to embark on an upgrade of the caps in the Watkins woofer crossover. The bass is sounding a little bit spongy these days which makes me think that the caps are lossy and need replacing. I will provide feedback to this thread on the outcome of that upgrade in the hopefully not too distant future. I do have the schematic but getting the correct value caps from a reliable manufacturer might be a challenge.
Here is a link to the Ren 90 crossover schematic. I would advise downloading this while it's available. Note there is an error. The 5 ohm resistor in series with the EMIT should read 0.5R.
IMO the only real shortcoming of the emit tweeter is the narrowing dispersion at very high frequencies. This results in a rolloff of high frequencies above 10KHz at > 25 degrees off axis and a rising response - on axis. For this reason the amount of 'toe in' becomes very critical in achieving the right tonal balance which makes then Ren's more of a 'one person' speaker because the sweet spot is very narrow. I have experimented (in the past) with ribbon super tweeters (sitting on top of the cabinets) to supplement the dispersion above 10Khz but I found that it was best to cross over (via a passive network) just above 10KHz, but the additional crossover introduces time alignment complications which can take plenty of listening time to fully optimise. However I was able to acheive excellent results using Raven R1's as super tweeters with a first order crossover at 10KHz. This made the horizontal dispersion really wide and gave the treble more 'air' creating an even bigger soundstage. Unfortunately the trade off was poorer vertical beamwidth (due to the distance between the EMIT and the Ravens) and this made listener height more critical. However I did persist with this setup for some time because it worked better in my room. I'm now using Raal ribbon tweeters which sit on top of the cabinets and the EMITs are no longer connected. This avoids the interactions between tweeters but the larger distance between the EMIM and the Raals does reduce the vertical sweet spot. I will probably (ultimately) go back to using the EMITs with the Raals purely as super tweeters because the EMITs IMO are better than all of the pure ribbon tweeters I've tested in the low range (2 - 6 KHz). The Ravens in particular are very poor performers below 6KHz where they sound very thin and dynamically very lacking. They are a very over rated tweeter IMO but they do work well as super tweeters due to the 50KHz BW and performance above 10KHz is pretty good.
FWIW I'm about to embark on an upgrade of the caps in the Watkins woofer crossover. The bass is sounding a little bit spongy these days which makes me think that the caps are lossy and need replacing. I will provide feedback to this thread on the outcome of that upgrade in the hopefully not too distant future. I do have the schematic but getting the correct value caps from a reliable manufacturer might be a challenge.
Here is a link to the Ren 90 crossover schematic. I would advise downloading this while it's available. Note there is an error. The 5 ohm resistor in series with the EMIT should read 0.5R.