Best Blu-Ray ANALOG Output - Under $1000?

I am ready to buy a Blu-Ray player and am hoping to get a good CD playing boost in the package (currently I use a consumer-level Sony DVD as a transport with optical digital output to my NAD T770 which utilizes Burr-Brown 18 Bit DACs).

I know the Denon DVD-1800BD is a $500 player that utilizes twin 24Bit Burr-Brown DACs. Some of Sony's players (the new BDP-S360 as an example) also advertize as utilizing 24Bit Audio DAC (how many, what type??).

The Oppo option sounds like it could be a it would be great to add SACD capability as well...but when will it be released??

Please offer-up your opinions on any of the above or other hidden gems...Sony ES, etc. My priorities are great analog sound output 1st, up-to-date sound processing (seemingly changes weekly) second, SACD capability third, and internet streaming capability fourth (not required but would be nice).

Thanks for your help folks!

Mwilliford -
I think that there are some professional reviews forthcoming from people with better ears and much more experience than me.
I was not blown away by the analog outs on any format. To me, the player's nich is that it does everything. And does it well FOR THE PRICE. Meaning, if you are shopping for a $400 SACD player it is worth a listen but if you are trying to get $2k worth of sacd for $400 I think that you might be dissapointed.
I will be keeping mine for blu ray (worth the price for that alone if you are into Blu ray), and it's capabilities as a transport both for redbook to a benchmark dac and for dvda/sacd via hdmi.

The below is from's reviewer, Dr. Bill Gaw. This is the first of the Oppo reviews I've seen which references a hi-end player and contradicts your statement:

"The 7.1 analog outputs on my still not completely broken in unit is excellent, matching the sound I've been getting from my $6000 list Esoteric DV-60 DVD/SACD player. Although I could not do instant evaluation of both, having only one multi-channel input on my pre-pro, the OPPO and Esoteric units were so close as to be indistinguishable to me. Interestingly, stereo CDs played through the 2.0 analog outputs allowed more ambiance information to come through than the 7.1 outputs".

I have a unit on the way and will give it a spin when it gets here.

My Oppo has shipped as well, should be in the system for next Tuesday music session.

It's a steal at the price it sells for and I'm still working on getting the new Pioneer Elite BDP-09FD and will compare and post comments when I have both available and broken in.
Kenobi -
That was what I meant by "better ears and more experience"...

The really ironic thing for me about that review is tha tI was considering trying a DV-60. Maybe Dr. Gaw would let his go cheap.

The OP asked about best blu ray analog output under $1k. My vote is for the oppo on that basis certainly.

And in all honesty, its sound is still changing in my system so I should really just withhold comment till it runds in for a few more weeks. But then I would have to go back to work...
I've really liked the oppo
but on a few movies I've noticed my blacks not as intense as with my pioneer
it's an off again on again issue
I'm using a Pioneer Kuro 141 which usually is stunning blacks

anybody else?