Spotify Premium vs Tidal ... opinions?

50's,60,s be-bop jazz, movie themes, vocals, old rock (Cream, Doors, King Crimson)...(newer rock AC DC, Led Zeppelin)

amps... Quicksilver 90 Watt Silver monos, Quicksilver LS preamp

speakers... Fritz prototype stand mounts, ScanSpeak 5" Illuminator mid/bass & ScanSpeak 9700 tweeters, Skylan stands... 12x15 room

dac... Musical Fidelity M1 A

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I've been using Tidal for about three months now and find the Hifi version sounds better than any other streaming service I've tried, including Spotify Premium.  The hifi version does have fewer selections than the standard version, but for the most part I am OK with this.  
Tidal has quite a few titles in MQA, which to my ears sounds better than CD quality.  Hopefully they will continue to add more MQA titles. 

I currently have the fastest possible service from Comcast and do not experience issues with the sound dropping like I did before I upgraded to the faster speed.  I also run an ethernet cable directly from my router to my network player.  I am also using Roon to manage my library, and find this sounds a lot better than JRiver, though it does cost a lot more.  
One thing to consider when evaluating the cost of Tidal vs other services:  they offer a family version of the hifi service for $30/month.  I currently use Tidal at both of my business locations, so to me this cost is a bargain, as I can stream Tidal from up to 5 different devices.  I gave my son and daughter a login as well, since they are always bugging me to pay for Apple Music.  At only $6/user/month that's a lot of music value.  

Tidal all the way. Spotify does have a greater selection (not that I really find Tidal lacking... an album here and there, but definitely not a dealbreaker), but the sound quality just isn't there.
I signed up for Tidal with MQA, it is awesome. I have many HDTracks 24 bit recordings (use JRiver) and Tidal MQA for same sounds  just as good. Please use the service as I don’t want to loose it!
I have both. 

Tidal is great if you really want to hear the absolute best sound quality, but Spotify sounds great also.  There's a difference in sound quality between Tidal Masters and everything else on both services, but "HI-FI" on both is supposed to be "CD quality". 

That DAC is a few years old, no?  It's not going to support MQA through Tidal.

Tidal is tipped towards hip-hop, R&B, and other new artists.  I think you'll find a lot more in the way of playlists and "stations" on Spotify that caters to the type of music you enjoy.  You'll be able to find most of the types of music you mentioned on Tidal also, it just won't be featured on Tidal. 

Unless you have "golden ears" and plan to upgrade your DAC, Spotify might be the best choice for you.