B&W 802 N vs. D

I apologize in advance since this is probably an old question, but can someone summarize for me the differences in the sound of the 802 N and 802 D? I am wondering if the D's are worth the extra $$ they go for.
i have read two or three reviews that stated they did not need a sub with the 802ds. i have two jl audio f-113 running along my 802ds & the bass is out of this world.

i guess i comes down to how much bass you like in your listening. if good bass is adequate, your fine just using the 802ds.

thank you for your kind words. I am happy to read that the info re. the amp-speaker interface + my review of the TARA Labs cables were helpful to you.

I believe that Kodg has answered your question better than I could have.

Best regards.
Quick question, how does one know a speaker sounds 40% better than another speaker? I found that comment interesting.
It is in his SUBJECTIVE opinion which is entirely valid for him but no one else.It seems to be the reason there is so much debate in audio.How can you say a $100K amp SOUNDS better than a $500 dollar one? Now,measurements are a different story as it falls under OBJECTIVE data.
Budt, correctomundo my friend! I have been very happy with an integrated amp after having spent $50K plus on seperates over the years. There are many paths to audio nirvana:O)