B&W 802 N vs. D

I apologize in advance since this is probably an old question, but can someone summarize for me the differences in the sound of the 802 N and 802 D? I am wondering if the D's are worth the extra $$ they go for.
Quick question, how does one know a speaker sounds 40% better than another speaker? I found that comment interesting.
It is in his SUBJECTIVE opinion which is entirely valid for him but no one else.It seems to be the reason there is so much debate in audio.How can you say a $100K amp SOUNDS better than a $500 dollar one? Now,measurements are a different story as it falls under OBJECTIVE data.
Budt, correctomundo my friend! I have been very happy with an integrated amp after having spent $50K plus on seperates over the years. There are many paths to audio nirvana:O)
Is there anyone who have matched the EAD PM 8300 or 6300 with B&W 802N or 802D? These multi amplifiers deliver 300w/chanel @ 8Ohm. Please kindly give an advice. Thanks.

I just put an estimate percentage on the performance difference between the N & D series.

This thread started as is the D worth or that much better than the N series.

I aim a B&W guy & have really done a lot of reading/research on the speakers. I have also talked quite a bit with Eric McBride the tech. supervisior for B&W USA.

Since then the thread has evolved quite a bit.