Roger said.... I put the proper cord on my RM-9 but now people want me to put an IEC on there so they can use theirs. I did opimize but thats not good enough for the PC and fuse people. May I also offer that a captive cord has one less pair of connections
Cardiff said.
That is what I suspected you would say. I have tested expensive upgraded power cords in my system and never noticed any improvement or difference. I notice large differences between amps, preamps, cartridges, cartridge loading and even in minor changes of speaker toe in. But in my system, I have yet to hear any difference between pc's. I am not saying there are no differences, just that I haven’t heard any so far in my system, compared to the cord included by the manufacturer.
I think we need to hear more from the people like Cardiff who have tried powercords and not heard any difference. I will allow it because we have heard quite enough from the pro side, too much. Lets try to balance the issue. Lets give voice to those, like Cardiff, who can clearly dissern difference in his system.
Anyone who has bought a power cord and owns an SPL meter, or oscilloscope or any measurement equipment is welcome to report their findings. I have reported mine.
Anyone who has spent over $100 on cables and has no SPL meter had better go get one. :)