Could I be a Retail Wretch?

I started a discussion here this morning to get some feedback on whether an external DAC would make an appreciable improvement over an internal processor’s DAC. During the discussion, I said that I typically visit a local audio dealer, to experience the equipment and then, comparison shop to find the best deal. The particular dealer I was referring to, emails me weekly, sends postcards monthly and catalogs quarterly. It’s always with an invitation to “see and hear the difference”. So I visit, and occasionally buy some small ticket items. But, when it comes to spending thousands on nationally available equipment, I don’t feel any obligation to limit my shopping to that one location.

When I shared my buying habits with the forum, I received responses that said using any brick and mortar stores to demo and then buying elsewhere “cuzz” it’s cheaper is just plain wrong…

I was surprised at that statement. I’m a value oriented person. I enjoy quality items. But I search for them at the best price - is that wrong? If there’s no competitive pricing or added value, why should I feel obligated?

“If you moved from one coast to the other, would you really feel hesitant to ask for support from the nearest dealer?“

No, but if I lived there and bought it mail order from somewhere else to save a few bucks without giving them a chance to make a sale, I would be embarrassed to ask them for service.


Do you show up to parties with no gifts?  

No. I don’t attend parties where the hosts are trying to sell me something.

Do you up a salesman time to test drive cars knowing you will buy it used?

No. I’ve never upped a salesperson 

Do you hesitate when out with a group to see if someone else will pick up the tab?

No. I wait cautiously and politely.

Do you grab the first appetizer and the eat the last pig-on-blanket?

Yes and No. If the first appetizer is a crusted lamb chop, yes. If it’s the last p-o-b, No . There’s probably a reason… 

Maybe you are a mooch. Maybe not.

Maybe I’m a mooch. Maybe I’m not. But I’m a pretty good buyer :-)

I am guilty of this behavior, myself, but I buy used as I cannot afford to buy the equipment I want new.
However, when I can buy new, I will always use my dealer to make a purchase.
Why would you feel embarrassed - why shouldn't they, for asking more money than the item was worth?