Digital streaming options for my system are confusing

I appreciate your advise in advance as I am more of a old school vinyl/cd guy. I have a McIntosh MAC6700 integrated receiver. It has a DAC but tech in this area is evolving at such a rapid rate that I am confused as the best way to access a high audio quality streaming/digital playback source. I have heard hi end streaming services (Tidal?) are great but my Amp does not have a direct iPhone/iPad connector. What is the best way to go that will keep my system simple and easy for the whole family to access? 
32-196 kHz at 32 bit. I am doing my research but should I be focused on the 32 bit stream capacity
+3 for Bluesound, and you can use an external DAC with the Node.
Also nice is you can sync multiple systems in your house.
Another Vote for Bluesound.  It sounds great in a high end system, I wouldn’t let old fashioned High End Dealer snobbery persuade you otherwise.
  May I ask the OP—how many 32 bit recordings do you own?
I don’t know wher high end starts but my node 2 sounds wonderful through my KEF R900’s. If that’s midfi, then I’ll take two!  😼