Roon vs Bluesound

So I’m setting up a new system- Mac MA-6700 as my DAC - with Wilson Sacha’s as mains - Wilson Watch surrounds- REL S-5 sub- looking to stream music via Roon or Bluenode ? Looking for some advice. Also I’d like to add a power amp for rear speakers and add surround processor. Thanks! 
The Bluesound Node 2 is a very good streamer for $500 but it is probably not up to the standard of the rest of your gear.  I think I recall someone opining that Roon sounded better than the Bluesound.  Roon is definitely a better interface with the music, providing much more information and better organizing  and search functions.  

I hope someone with more experience with your streamer choices chimes in.
Thanks, tomcy6 I’m also looking for a good surround processor possibly Marantz, but don’t want to go over $2k
When you say Roon, you need to specify what hardware you are going to use with it.  Roon started out as a software program and now they offer dedicated hardware to run the program on.
  Purely as a software program, Roon beats the pants off of every other app, Bluesound included, except in Classical Music, where I didn’t detect any advantages during my free trial period.  Roon’s effects on sound quality are debatable.  Many audio critics opine that it degrades sound and during my trial I thought Bluesound was definitely better than Roon, but plenty of Forumistas that use Roon swear otherwise.
  My advice, based on the rest of your system, would be to to use Roon not from a PC but from a streamer that has a lot of firepower, such as a Bryston or an Auralic player.  Roon is a huge program that can overwhelm a PC (it did mine) and perhaps some of the perceived decrement sin sq may be from Computers that are otherwise taxed beyond their means.  The dedicated media players are essentially computers that have been designed to stream and play music and provide a more user friendly interface than a PC.