Questions to ask as I shop for a tonearm?

I’ll be upgrading in 6+ mos. I’m asking now because I’m still learning. I want to take plenty of time to understand the relevant technical aspects of something so complicated & what makes one person love brand X & another person dislike it.

I have a George Warren tt & a Sumiko Blackbird cart I’m waiting for to put on the stock Rega 250. I’m also waiting for Christmas to hookup a Jolida JD9 mkII.  My budget will be ~$1500. While brand & model suggestions are appreciated... I want to learn about tonearms. As always, I appreciate the knowledge you all pass on to me.
These are all good recommendations. The best bang for the buck in a new arm is unequivocally the new Jelco 550. Even better is the 850.
You might look into the existing mounting and its options. Most arms require specific mounting distances fron the center if the platter. This is called the pivot to spindle distance specified in millimeters. 
sbank thanks for all the info & especially the tips on whose comments to pay attention to. 

Thanks everyone 

To mount any tonearm you need Dr.Feickert protractor with precision Pivot to Spindle ruler. I bought mine from these guys (without VAT the price was sweet).
I would only choose a tonearm that can be adjustable in all needed parameters.....weight of cartridge, height, overhang, azimuth.