Tone arm counter weight

Any better counter weight after market up grade for my REGA RP6 with RB 303 tone arm.  I want it easy to install and fit well with my turntable, and with good improvement.
I use J.A Mitchell TecnoWeight on my RP6. I have used the same weight on 2 of my previous TTs. Can’t go wrong with it.
I also use the TecnoWeight. Any of the underslung counterweights should be an improvement over stock.
bdp24, I think I would go for the Groovtracer in black version.
Is it necessary to remove the REGA (probably aluminium) rear tube portion of the tone arm, and replace it by the stainless steel included with the Groovtracer ?  Were you able to use the rotated knob VTF of the REGA arm after leveling the tone arm ?  If you have a RP6 REGA of course and RB 303 tone arm.  Or any body that install the Grooveteacer on.  Thank you.