Many excellent posts here. I can just add that based on the last post the OP basically just needs a DAC and a music management program. For 2K there are lots of great DAC choices and multiple threads here explored that. I would get a DAC that is compatible with accepting inputs from your CD player (you might find your CDs sounding so much better that you don’t need to stream, btw). I would use dbpoweramp for ripping CDs and Audirvana Plus for playback and adding Internet Radio, or perhaps Roon.
mgrif104– I used to have a lot of the same issues that you are having with Bluesound. In my case they were largely fixed when I Ethernet Wired the house. Powerline Adapters and the Bluesound WiFi were both problematic. Have you tried contacting Bluesound tech support? The other trick that always works is powering down your router, NAS, and Bluesound and then restarting them simultaneously.
mgrif104– I used to have a lot of the same issues that you are having with Bluesound. In my case they were largely fixed when I Ethernet Wired the house. Powerline Adapters and the Bluesound WiFi were both problematic. Have you tried contacting Bluesound tech support? The other trick that always works is powering down your router, NAS, and Bluesound and then restarting them simultaneously.