one short and one long speaker cable work?

moving! new equipment arrangement requires one 2 meter speaker cable and one 6 meter cable. I have acquired a pair of AudioQuest Aspen speaker cables 19' each. should I chop one off where I need it and attach the other at 19'??
If they're worth anything, no, keep the cable length the same.

But in terms of electrical theory, it's hard to imagine a 14 ga or larger speaker cable sounding very different at 6 or 2 meters. 
Yes you can use RJ45 cable extenders: 
I was afraid they'll introduce noise and hence reduce speed in our LAN but finally there was no perceptible difference.

Yes, you are fine.  The only thing unequal length cable affects may be resale value.

I was always told to keep speaker cable length equal or as close to equal between sides as possible, as impedance difference would become an issue. Though, that may have changed.
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