I have owned and heard a lot of gears, some that I like and might fit your taste:
Analysis, similar to Apogee. very direct and immediate sound just like other ribbon
Sonus Faber Homage line, but be sure to get the newer generation because new drivers are head and shoulder above the old one, not just in hi-fi effect but also in emotional capture
Aerial 20T, very detail and dynamic, but requires some muscle
Verity Parsifal or higher, very musical and on the easy side for amps
Usher BE10/20, very detail and transparent with great leading edge micro dynamic, requires some muscle too
in general, I am not crazy about speakers using ceramic drivers or hard dome/cone, they wear you out very quickly. I like ribbon in general, but don't like line source because the narrow vertical sweet spot. there are hundreds of good speakers out there and there is no guarantee you can get good sound (or sound to your liking) unless you match them well. define what type of sound you like, buy any speakers in that category that receives mostly positive rating, and work from there.
have fun!