For under $1200, if youhave a subwoofer the Monitor Audio
Studio has top drivers from the Top platinum line and a Very good AMT tweeter. I bought them with the matching stand and filled them with dryer play sand and agraphite lead shot.snd sound st least as good as speakers double their cost. Upgraded the Xover and rewired them with a Clarity, the great Duelund Silver foil Bypass caps ,Plus Jupiter and VH Audio- Cu Bypass caps
and VH Audio great Litz-OCC - Copper ThinTeflon Wire ,made
speaker cables with the larger version and easilly best several
$2k plus very good brand name cables ,just time consuming to build but well worth it .judt to point out if you,or a friend is skilled
you can save $1,000s in markup and exactly to your liking.
since drivers were excellent to start with the Monitor Studio now will easily compete with any $5k+speaker with ease.