Save some money and get either an Harbeth SHL5s or Monitor 40.1
These speakers are really really natural sounding for Classical music.
I have a friend who had Wilsons, Thiel, Rockport, Avalon speakers. But he said the other night that none of them can do classical music as naturally as the Harbeths speakers. He owns over 10,000 LPs and over 5000 CDs.
Spendors would be on that short list as well.
These speakers are really really natural sounding for Classical music.
I have a friend who had Wilsons, Thiel, Rockport, Avalon speakers. But he said the other night that none of them can do classical music as naturally as the Harbeths speakers. He owns over 10,000 LPs and over 5000 CDs.
Spendors would be on that short list as well.