SQ : Anthem receiver vs. processor

Hi everyone,
I’m on a quest to simplify my life and get rid of my separates. In terms of a range of options, I’m probably settling on Anthem. My choices are:

  • MXR 720 - 7 Channel receiver ($2,500) and use external amps for L and R
  • AVM 60 a pure processor ($3k)
  • Classe SSP used (~ $3k)

I’m wondering if any of you have direct experience comparing the sound quality of each? I have an external DAC I’ll be using for music sources.

The processor total cost of ownership is significantly higher, not to mention space and wiring required.

Re : Classe Sigma class D amps, I’m not so sure if the incoming analog signals are converted to digital upon input but I know that Classe uses DSP to regulate the amp. It is Classe’s proprietary class D design.

I don’t use Classe Sigma Amp (class D) to power my front and surround speakers in my dedicated HT room but instead I use the Classe Sigma Amp (class D) only to power my overhead ceiling Atmos speakers for Atmos setup in my dedicated theater room.
I use all Classe Delta series class AB analog amps to power my front LCR speakers and surround speakers. I’m using 3 Classe Delta CAM-600 monoblock amps (class AB) to power my B&W 800 D3 front speakers and the matching B&W HTML1 D3 center speaker. Using 2 Classe Delta CA-2300 stereo amps (class AB) to power my surround and surround back speakers. And using 2 Classe Sigma Amp2 stereo amps (class D) only to power my overhead ceiling Atmos speakers for Atmos setup.

You can email Classe technical support group and ask them and confirm the info with them.

However, I’ve heard the Classe Sigma SSP paired with the Classe Sigma Amp5 class D amp before at the store and they sounded great together especially if you like class D design amps. But when I heard the Sigma SSP paired with the Classe Delta series class AB amps they sounded better for sure. The Delta series class AB amps had more body volume and fuller sound than the Sigma series class D amps. Had more mid-bass and bass power too and sounding more punchier and much quieter design than the Sigma series class D amps. The Delta series class AB amps, especially the CAM-600 monoblocks, are indeed better amplifiers overall than the entry level Sigma series class D amps for sure but cost much more than the Sigma series class D amps. They aren't in the same league.
That’s all I can say.

@caphill The proof ultimately is in the playback. :)

I want to keep my Mytek Brooklyn in the mix if possible. If the ultimate amp is going to do an A/D conversion on input it kind of defeats the purpose.

I miss my Theta Casanova. The DAC was so good, and A/D so good I truly did not care.
  it sounds like you will continue to use your Brooklyn for music. My advice would be to go cheap with an AVR.  The most demanding requirement for AVR is music reproduction.  Most AVRs in the $500 and up range do a decent job with dialogue, explosions, etc and let the video processing be done by the player.  Make sure your AVR or processor will handle a 4 or 8 K display or whatever you are using.
Another advantage of going cheap is that in a couple of years as Tecnhnology advances, there might be an AVR or processor that will have a DAC that will top the Brooklyn, and you will only have to make one move to upgtade.

Not sure if the Sigma Amp5 class D amps would digitize its inputs upon entry. You should email Classe Audio technical support group and find out. Wouldn’t think it converts its inputs to digital. When I first listened to the Classe Sigma SSP + Sigma Amp5 combo at the store we used different source components to listen to music using both high end ARC Reference CD player as a source going analog into the Sigma SSP with the Sigma SSP set in bypass mode and streaming directly via USB input on the Sigma SSP, and they each sounded very different.
My friend who happens to own a hifi store said that he also tried using different HT preamp processors with the Sigma Amp5 class D amp and each sounded different. So it made me think that if the Sigma Amp5 amp converts the input to digital regardless of which preamp and front end components used they would all have sounded the same, right? 

I knew you like class D amps but I would pair the Sigma SSP with Classe Delta series class AB amps or Parasound Halo amps (class A/AB) or any good quality class AB amps if I were you but you said earlier that space is an issue for you and the Classe Delta series class AB amps and the Paradound Halo A21/31/51 are huge and very heavy, and the Classe Delta series class AB amps cost much more than the Sigma class D amps.

Not sure if the Sigma Amp5 class D amps would digitize its inputs upon entry. You should email Classe Audio technical support group and find out.

Classe calls their amps "digital Class D" which indicates this, plus this from the Amp5 SoundStage review :

This input stage uses a proprietary analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion stage shared by the SSP-800 and CP-800,

So I’m pretty sure. :)

There's nothing wrong with this approach, by the way. It just makes it kind of useless for me to bother with a separate DAC.

The Theta Casanova did this with all analog signals, and it did it very very well.
