Nuforce STA200

I am curious about the Nuforce STA200 amplifier  If anyone has experience with the amp it would be appreciated if you would share your listening impressions, both good and bad.  Some of the descriptions I have read classify it as a class AB amp and others a class D amp.  I am not technical savvy about these things, can a single amplifier be both? 
Well, I might just be overly cautious. I need to spend more time with my STA200. I certainly am happy with it's sonics and it seems compatible with my PS Audio Digital Link III via the SYS. In addition to the speakers I mentioned earlier, I also have a pair of Dali Zensor 1s which don't drop lower that 5ohms and are 88dB sensitive. I will try the amp with these as well. 

I purchased this amp for use with a passive pre in an attempt to build a low cost high quality system.  Though I don't believe specs tell the whole story, I do believe there are some that certainly help to insure electronic compatibility between components when putting together a system. I have learned much from this forum toward that end. I remain with much more to learn.

Happy New Year to all!
Thanks mesch for your clarification, truly appreciated.  From your earlier post I got the mistaken impression that you were saying that you knew of an identified amplifier design weakness that could result in possible serious amp failure.  I don't think this any longer.  These things do happen though, for example, I have a pair of Goertz alpha core speaker cables that without the use of zobel networks have resulted in some amps going into oscillation with not pretty results.

So blue skies on this end.
My speakers are so easy to drive (101db efficiency), a clock radio hooked to them will fill the room. As far as the amp blowing, there are so many variables it would be hard to figure out what happened with so little info. This is the first time of hearing of such happening with the STA200. Hopefully, the person purchased new with a reputable dealer
Jetter, Thanks. I was not familiar with the Copland pre. Looks to be a fine unit.  

Aberyclark, Yes we need more info re the blown amp. So far no response to your previous post asking for clarification.
I have been on A'gon for a whole lot of years.  You will note that the poster with the blown amp has exactly one post on A'gon.  I have found throughout the years that people who post once or twice with something negative often have some beef somewhere down the line.  Not saying this is the case here about the poster, but I now think the risk of blowing an amp is pretty much the same as the risk of blowing any other amp lower powered amp.  By the way, in the old days SS amps often had much lower watts at all ohms than this unit.