Does a DAc that Reclocks Remove Jitter from Sonos Connect

I asked Wyred4Sound what the advantages would with their upgrade to my Sonos Connect given the external Reimyo  DAP-777 20BitK2 DAC and lossless streams that I use:

Response from Wyred4Sound:
“The Sonos digital output is rather jittery, the mod removes this jitter by reclocking the output from a buffer with far better timing. Based on your Reimyo DAP777 DAC, you might want to opt for the 44.1k modWhat you will find is more clarity, true timing on attack and decay, larger sound stage, etc.”

So ..After more research here is what I found about my Reimyo DAP-777 20bitK2 reclocking:
“For the past few years, JVC has been producing the exclusive Extended Definition Compact Disc (XRCD),using the company’s proprietary 20bitK2 A/D converter during recording, with the Digital K2 machine regenerating resultant clock signals for transferring to a magneto-optical disc. The 20-bit disc is then reconstituted again via JVC’s 20bitK2 D/A converter, then converted into a true 16-bit signal using the K2 Super Coding machine.
The Harmonix Reimyo DAP-777 DAC, incorporates the JVC 20bitK2 D/A converter IC."
Bottom Line: does the Sonos W4S mod add anything to what this DAC already does?

It depends which DAC you have, as their ability to reduce jitter is all different. However, the $80 Grace SDAC to the $100 Schiit Magni 3 to the $250 SMSIL SU8 to the $1800 Benchmark DAC3B all have no issues reducing jitter to well below audible levels.
What he said.

It is very DAC dependent. I've had the Remedy and used it with a Squeezebox Touch.

With an ARC DAC 8 - There was a significant improvement
With the MyteK Brooklyn - Not noticeable.

Something else I noticed at the same time was that the DAC 8 plays hi resolution music much better than it plays redbook.

The Brooklyn plays both equally well.

So .... YMMV. Older DAC's, and Jitttery streamers are the best uses of a reclocker.

Here is the directly measured jitter from a Sonos connect:

Any reclocker will reduce this jitter and improve the SQ, the question is: How much?

Most DAC’s with internal reclockers also benefit from the lower jitter input signal of the Synchro-Mesh because the PLL loop filter is more stable, reducing the jitter of the internal PLL clock. There are a couple of exceptions, including the Benchmark DAC3. The optimum scenario is to use a DAC without internal reclocker and drive it directly with Synchro-Mesh. Then you get the full benefit of extremely low jitter.

Examples are Metrum and Border Patrol DAC's.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio

If you say most DAC’s with internal reclockers also benefit from the lower jitter input signal.....then wouldn’t it better to use Wyrd4Sound internal mod for Sonos Connect?

With your Synchro-Mesh, you’re adding one extra BNC cables, external component (shelf space) plus a wall wart power supply......all this would make sense if your relocker performance far outweighs the Wyrd4Sound internal mod.