Suggestion To The Moderators To Rid This Site Of Spam

The amount of movie etc. spam in the discussion forums is absurd to say nothing of ridiculously annoying. Here is a suggestion to stop this. Charge everyone a small sum to post, say $1-5. If anyone post spam, keep the money. If the moderators deems a post worthy, i.e. not spam, refund the cost of posting, say, once per week/month.

The above idea is not entirely original; Bill Gates once suggested charging everyone 1 cent to send an email. This would automatically disable the mass email spammers.
Frank finally something political we can agree on! I live in DC so taxation without representation is my daily reality. :)
It used to annoy me but I've taken to police it whenever I come across it. After awhile it feels like citizen participation and is somewhat rewarding. 
But then, that's me

All the best,
jond ...

I hear you. But then, I consider all taxation to be theft. :-)

If A'gon started charging a fee (tax) on each post as the OP suggested, there wouldn't be any members left to tax. Other Audio sites would be booming, however. Hmmm ... I see a parallel to California vs Texas here. :-)

As the OP, I am not sure where the idea of a tax came from. What I proposed is essentially a deposit of $1-5 to post on the forum. Once the moderator approves your post (within hours I would think?), an automatic refund is made to your account. However, if you are a spammer, you loose your $1-5 deposit.

At 6:15 CST I counted 24 out of 36 post on the forum, posted in the last 12 hours, are spam. I personally find this very annoying. Thoughts?