Audacy room correction. Corrected?

has anyone tried using the auto room correction feature on their receiver with out board amps attached?

I saw another thread recently about someone who bought an Audacy audio room correction/equalizer component as their gear did not have that facility built into their receiver. The person was quite impressed with the benefits once all the position testing and correction process was completed.

My Onkyo TX SR 805 has this auto room correction feature on board.

However, when I called to ask Onkyo about using the Audacy room correction feature in my own application, were I to use outboard amps, the tech (s) I spoke with said

"The Audacy (Audessey) feature does not work with auxilliary amps. Only when the 805 is connected directly to the speakers."

Hearing this info from a couple of Onkyo techs early on in my ownership, and prior to adding those amps, I dismissed the use of that benefit entirely, and never tried to use it.

So I was curious and emailed Audacy after perusing their website for more info on one of their room corection devices for myself. I told them of my situation, gear, and the info Onkyo tech support had provided me and was surprised to see them reply with this info:

“The Audessy feature on your 805 will work with or without outboard amps being connected to it. They also apologized for the misinformation.

Really? Whoa!?

Lovely. My problem now is having mislaid my micI can’t even find out for myself. lol

Audacy also said the mic supplied with the recievers was specific to the room correction system, therefore obtaining a better aftermarket mic would not perform as well. Their process is calibrated to the supplied mic. Further, they said the mic wire itself could be extended up to 25ft. Past that overall length they could not assure the results would be predictable.


Do Other owners of Onkyo, Marantz, etc., receivers with this Audacy benefit built in, also hear such misinfomation about their Audacy supplied units not being capable of room correction in conjunction with out board amps too?

Has anyone tried to use the feature while amps were connected to their receiver?

Neither have I seen mention of this in any reviews on such featured receivers.

Now, if I can just find my mic!

Thanks. Hope this helps.

Thanks for the links.

I apologize. My issues with authority are a greater issue than is my being ‘hard of seeing’. I had already mentioned I was seeking out my mic so reading your list of instructions, and that of finding it, and using it got to me a bit. I took the note (s) as dictatorial and shouldn’t have. I attached a tone to your post I regret. Further, I seldom mention my predicament and should not have here. I expect nothing anyone else shouldn’t as a rule.

I appreciate the links and yes, pursuing them fully is tedious at best. I usually glean that which is sought. Eventually.

I'll take the technical assertion under advisement. I had hoped or believed their 'scripts' were more in depth than my owners manual provided me.

My mention of your run on spelling of both words, preamp & processors, was my knock on your pointing out I messed up 'Audyssey'. I'll aim my spelling eye, better next time.

The ‘Tips’ are welcome too.
I appreciate the reply, Jim. Let me know if there's anything else I can help with.

Jim- You are a real stand up kinda' guy. Kudos to you.
Kal- You are too.
Kal- In response to your "I am surprised..." after reading your tips I realized I did tip #'s 3 & 4 as you suggest not to do. I re-do my calibrating and see what I think.

Those are only the highlights of the recommendations in the guide. It was based on the comments and experiences of many users and vetted by the CTO of Audyssey. It is worth a read for anyone using Audyssey.

having perused much of the directions on the aVS Audyssey forum, the statement, " not a simple point and shoot operation" is an understatement.


Anyone making receivers which output surround sound via the headphone jack? There has to be a simpler way.... headphones might be it. Sheeesh.

I can't wait for the 'personal' HDMI X surround sound headset & HD view screens Combo Units to be released.

Do hurry, please. Lightweight, adjustable, and I'd like one in red & black... or covered in Corinthian leather.