Luxman Integrated - What do they sound like

Hi Everyone,

I'm considering getting myself a late 2018 Christma present or early 2019 birthday present.

Modern Luxman reviews are really hard to come by, and are generally just superlative without being very qualitative. I mean, it's all "rah rah rah!! " and no actual details.
For anyone who has listened to them lately, can you tell me what they actually sound like in comparison to other nice amps I might have heard?

Thank you,

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Erik, you asked a good question and I'd also be interested in some answers. Also for anyone that has actually heard the following I'd be interested in the difference in sound between the following:
Luxman 507 UXII, 505 UXII, 509 AXII, 509 X.
I own the L-590AX. I wouldn’t describe the sound as warm, but maybe it is compared to some other amps. I consider it fairly neutral, and very detailed across the range.
Sort of off the subject,  i have the R115 and R117 receivers and love them both.
Have.the Klipsch Heresy hooked to the 117 and.the KG 3 to the 115
@builder3 Can you compare it to any non-luxman gear?
@escorial  The biggest problem with getting an idea from others about Luxman is no one has a good comparison to other gear. Sometimes to Accuphase, but I haven't heard that either.
