Hi japol, if I understand your post above you have a hum with both the nuforce and with your sony integrated. So you are not sure if you have two amps with a problem or the problem lies elsewhere in your system. You have already determined that your speaker wires are ok.
I only have a couple of thoughts. One is are you using shielded interconnects and if shielded you are sure they are functioning properly? The other is that I have the TV cable box connected to my preamp and this resulted in a hum through my speakers. I had to purchase a cable tv ground loop isolator which eliminated it.
I only have a couple of thoughts. One is are you using shielded interconnects and if shielded you are sure they are functioning properly? The other is that I have the TV cable box connected to my preamp and this resulted in a hum through my speakers. I had to purchase a cable tv ground loop isolator which eliminated it.