What am I missing streaming music with a Node 2i

Just getting my feet wet with some separates and better speakers. I started out streaming Tidal through a Marantz AVR and needed something to stream to the preamp and went low dollar with a Bluesound Node 2i. It sounds good and all I plan on doing is streaming, I'm not planning on ripping CD's or tying into a PC. Do I need to spend more on streaming equipment or will this get it done?
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So what’s a good DAC to pair with it? To answer the question about streaming, so far I’ve been building playlists and saving albums on Tidal and have been listening to some of the Blues radio stations on the Node. I just took delivery on a set of Double Impact towers with a center.  Anything that starts that many fights had to find it’s way into my system. I like the sound and they should get better with time. My preamp has a HT bypass so my 2 channel is also part of a 5.0. 
I have been told by a dealer that the DAC's in the Node 2 and Node 2i are the same. The units, in reality, should sound identical.
In my experience pretty much and DAC will enhance the Node.  What your budget?
Hadn't really thought about it too much, I would probably buy used, that's what all my recent purchases have been. what does a 1000.00 get you in a used DAC?
The new Node has 2.5 and 5ghz networking capabilities, same DAC.
I use an Ayre Codex. Slightly more than $1K used, but worth it.
Otherwise, a Schiit Gungnir or Yggy.