What am I missing streaming music with a Node 2i

Just getting my feet wet with some separates and better speakers. I started out streaming Tidal through a Marantz AVR and needed something to stream to the preamp and went low dollar with a Bluesound Node 2i. It sounds good and all I plan on doing is streaming, I'm not planning on ripping CD's or tying into a PC. Do I need to spend more on streaming equipment or will this get it done?
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The Lumin dose exactly that it streams MQA . I currently use Tidal. My only complaint is about the Lumin is I don't feel the app is as user friendly on my tablet as the the Bluesound app was. The sound quality however makes up for the minor inconvenience.
I wouldn't put much stock in MQA, just yet.It sounds different, but I won't say it's better than a high rez recording.
gdnrbob and mr_m do you have any recommendations for the OP? That is all he was asking for.
Happy Listening!
I haven’t really done much A/B between my DACs output with Tidal @96k compared to the Vault 2i analog out streaming MQA but both sound great.   I think in general my DAC sounds better but the Vault sounds pretty good given it’s modest price.   I don’t know if it’s in the remastering but some MQA titles sound better to me but some aren’t as good as their 44.1 counterparts.