What am I missing streaming music with a Node 2i

Just getting my feet wet with some separates and better speakers. I started out streaming Tidal through a Marantz AVR and needed something to stream to the preamp and went low dollar with a Bluesound Node 2i. It sounds good and all I plan on doing is streaming, I'm not planning on ripping CD's or tying into a PC. Do I need to spend more on streaming equipment or will this get it done?
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I wouldn't put much stock in MQA, just yet.It sounds different, but I won't say it's better than a high rez recording.
gdnrbob and mr_m do you have any recommendations for the OP? That is all he was asking for.
Happy Listening!
I haven’t really done much A/B between my DACs output with Tidal @96k compared to the Vault 2i analog out streaming MQA but both sound great.   I think in general my DAC sounds better but the Vault sounds pretty good given it’s modest price.   I don’t know if it’s in the remastering but some MQA titles sound better to me but some aren’t as good as their 44.1 counterparts.   
Another option to the Lumin D2 is the Teac Reference NT-505 though in addition to streaming like the Lumin it also has the ability to serve as a full function DAC.  I have owned both and prefer the AKM 4497's in the Teac over the Wolfson chipset in the Lumin.  Both use the Lumin app for a control app.