Why not horns?

I've owned a lot of speakers over the years but I have never experienced anything like the midrange reproduction from my horns. With a frequency response of 300 Hz. up to 14 Khz. from a single distortionless driver, it seems like a no-brainer that everyone would want this performance. Why don't you use horns?
Its funny reading some of these comments. I wonder if some people just say what they read in a audiophile magazine.
Sthomas - I agree. Probably. Can you elaborate as to what comments are funny and why?

re: Walsh drivers in horns, I know nothing about the credibility of the reviewer but I do know that German Physics is a legitimate and highly credible manufacturer who is unlikely to market a product that is utterly without merit. We should probably withhold judgement until we have actually heard them.

I don't think it sounds too promising but I have no grounds for such a presumption. I'm not an expert on horns.
"German Physics is a legitimate and highly credible manufacturer who is unlikely to market a product that is utterly without merit."

I would not say that. The $1000 speakers are quite good (similar to design to the Walshes in my system but smaller) and have garnered a nice following. If teh GPs sound as good, then that has merit. They are just 20X as expensive, so not much merit there.

Stthomas, I can assure you that I do more than just say what I read. I read to help learn. I do not discredit anyone or anything without basis. I tend to give most the benefit of the doubt that they have some information of value to share until I determine otherwise.

Best to keep an open mind in general!
BTW, I was quite disappointed to read Mr. Lindich's findings regarding the GP Uncorns in that I am a big fan of Walsh technology and I do believe horns have the potential to break certain common performance barriers as well, so my expectations for a design using both in a single driver full range design were quite high.

That's why I'm wondering if anybody on this thread can offer any insight to how the Unicorns sound. I've never heard them but am intimately familiar with the OHMs. No other speaker has lured me away from them during 30 years of ownership of various models. The GPs are one that I would expect could (if I could afford them) and the application of the horn with teh Walsh is certainly quite unique at a minimum.

A poor setup at a show is always suspect. The Unicorns apply equalization to the bass as well, so who's to say this was set to match Mr. Lindich's preferences.
One other thing that struck me is that despite being horn loaded, the Unicorn is still only 87 db or so efficient, according to the specs I found. A horn loaded speaker that is still that inefficient is certainly a unique beast as well.