Why not horns?

I've owned a lot of speakers over the years but I have never experienced anything like the midrange reproduction from my horns. With a frequency response of 300 Hz. up to 14 Khz. from a single distortionless driver, it seems like a no-brainer that everyone would want this performance. Why don't you use horns?

I think many more would join, fair discussion is usually game, Unfortunately Macro views dissension as being hostile and reacts in that manner...

Macrobaby , The condecension is not necessary , we understand that you and others like the sound of this type of horn, It's audio, It's part of the game. Maybe an explanation as to why a straight flare with rolled edges ala Avante garde is inferior to a dodecagon as used by Mr Woods and Weiss...

Maybe Herman can comment on this also as he has Avante garde's speakers...

Wes, I would if I could. The physics of why is beyond me. I just know I like how mine sound. If you go to the AG web site they have a technical paper on why they are the best but what else would they say?

As for conicals; the reason I get from proponents of other designs for not using them is they require some EQ which reduces the overall efficiency of the speaker. Curious that Mr. Woods doesn't mention this on his web site, or perhaps I missed it.

Weseixas, you might want to stop while you're ahead on this one.

My comments was not meant to be derogatory to musicians. Worked with and for many in the past, My comments were nothing more than to differentiate the experience between audiophile and musician ...

-Sounds a lot like: 'some of my best friends are _______ '

IME musicians are very interested in good sound. I play in a band, and although I would not consider the other musicians in my band audiophiles, they are concerned enough about the sound that they bother to do all their recording analog (w/24-bit digital backup). The difference is nothing more than money- if they had it, they would spend it on stereos too.
"Unfortunately Macro views dissension as being hostile and reacts in that manner... "

Ah, yes, that would be considered quite "Borg like"!

Lets be glad that Macro does not appear to have the capability to assimilate us against our will!

No horns for you!

Interesting your response and worst your accusations.......

IMO you are suffering from serious conitive dissonance and as such you are not able to comprehend where this is going, so much so you end up disagreeing then agreeing .. LOL...

Which is it Ralphy ?