Weseixas, you might want to stop while you're ahead on this one.
-Sounds a lot like: 'some of my best friends are _______ '
IME musicians are very interested in good sound. I play in a band, and although I would not consider the other musicians in my band audiophiles, they are concerned enough about the sound that they bother to do all their recording analog (w/24-bit digital backup). The difference is nothing more than money- if they had it, they would spend it on stereos too.
My comments was not meant to be derogatory to musicians. Worked with and for many in the past, My comments were nothing more than to differentiate the experience between audiophile and musician ...
-Sounds a lot like: 'some of my best friends are _______ '
IME musicians are very interested in good sound. I play in a band, and although I would not consider the other musicians in my band audiophiles, they are concerned enough about the sound that they bother to do all their recording analog (w/24-bit digital backup). The difference is nothing more than money- if they had it, they would spend it on stereos too.