Will Technology Kill the Audiophile Hobby?

Imagine audio technology in 2,000 years.

Maybe your stereo is the size of a deck of cards. Speakers are invisible. Cables are not used. Active room treatment built into the walls.

Is that the end of our hobby and fascination with audio gear? 
Is our identity in the big blocks of metal and wood? What happens to us?

Imagine audio technology in 5 billion years. Its all underground because the sun went Red Giant, expanded to two a.u. and vaporized the surface of the planet. Except wait, that didn't happen, because in only 750 million years the Andromeda Galaxy collided with the Milky Way pulling the Earth out of orbit and casting it into icy interstellar space. Where humans live underground, only to escape from freezing cold not vaporizing heat.

Predictions are hard. Especially about the future.

LOL, Erik by the responses maybe you should have said 10 years from now. Sometimes I forget it's Agon.


LOL Millercarbon...
I remember a video from Paul McGowan on YouTube sometime in the past couple months stating that we are at around 50-60% toward perfect sound and that in the next 20-30 years there should be some advancements that get us most of the way there. Paul says his company is working on some radical/revolutionary ideas that he can't talk about yet and that we should stay tuned...