Will Technology Kill the Audiophile Hobby?

Imagine audio technology in 2,000 years.

Maybe your stereo is the size of a deck of cards. Speakers are invisible. Cables are not used. Active room treatment built into the walls.

Is that the end of our hobby and fascination with audio gear? 
Is our identity in the big blocks of metal and wood? What happens to us?

Hi Everyone!

It wasn't really clear when I posted, but I'm less interested in what will happen in 2,000 years than to try to glean what it is we are after in this hobby. Does it still exist if the gear is gone, or all costs $30?
with CRISPR-CAS9 and what not, they'll have hopefully cured aging before I die. I think if I end up living to 1000 that I would still get a kick out of listening to my system (assuming it lasts that long). By that point it would be more of a relic than an actual music listening device but I'm sure I'd still enjoy it. Kind of like how people still enjoy horseback riding or archery.
Nothing with replace the chest thumps from the low end in ZZ Top songs, the cannon in 1812, etc.
I won’t be here in 2000 years so I’m just going to enjoy the equipment and the music I have, and whatever comes my way until I ‘m no more.
I’d rather listen to Handel or The Beatles instead of worrying about something I have no control over,

I know for certain there will be a guy like me surrounded by glowing metal boxes with dials and numbers, wires, stands, stacks of books and cd's, and a big CRT screen in the center of the room with the sound turned down. No better life will be discovered.