As I know the the flavor of many nos 6922 and they can be very different, I have no knowledge about the 6SN7 family of tubes, have heard also that they are a bit more fragile than the smaller tubes and do not last as long.
I like the Mullard sound, but with detail, am allergic to thin/shrill sound.
Tone, decay, timbre and natural voices is something I listen for in the music, I find that many amps and speakers today can replay a woman voice perfectly, sometimes spellbindingly good, but male voices not so good, often sounding neck up only, no chest!
I have my dream speakers now, and with my solid state amp I have problem with Van Morrison for example, sounding too thin, but with my hybrid amp he sounds fantastic!
Going to a tube pre into a solid state amp, a Belles or Van Alstine I am hoping to get more detail and maybe a more euphoric sound, also my hybrid amp makes me listen to music for hours at a time, my solid state amp, not so much!