What responsibility does a seller have to tell a customer an item has been serviced?

A few months ago I bought an expensive pre-amp from a dealer here on audiogon. This is a long time known dealer with an 100% approval rating.

I went to his home to listen to it and there was one quirk about the design I didn't like about it but I thought I could live with it. I had spent so much time and effort to get it. A pretty long drive. When I brought it home and within 24 hours by the afternoon of the next day I realized I couldn't live with it I called him to return it. 
He didn't want to take it back. On his website he has a 30 day return policy. Unfortunately not being an experienced buyer I did not know there is a hidden tab on audiogon saying no returns. Why is this not stated on the main page?!

I was furious and he said he would take it back if I forced him to but he already had another buyer for it. I felt bad and there was a (hidden) no return policy so I let it go.
I had given to him two excellent pieces, the pre and an integrated, and cash for it so I lost quite a bit of money on the deal. I'm obviously not an experienced savvy customer.
I asked him to just give me the pre back for the piece he sold me and keep the rest but no deal. And he told me the pre I gave him in perfect condition, the one I wanted back, wasn't working so he had to send it in for repair. But I shouldn't worry about it. What?!!! I drove it to him I didn't ship it! And why shouldn't I worry that I gave him a non working component when I told him it was in perfect condition?!

Then about a month later I saw he had it listed for sale. This was about 2 AM and I immediately wrote him asking for it in exchange for the item I bought being that the sale he had fell through. Early the next morning hours later he told me it was sold and he had taken it down.

He did list my item he sold to me on audiogon for a couple of months at his expense but no sale. I finally at an extreme loss as I said was able to use it for credit towards another item being sold by another audiogon dealer. This dealer told me he spoke with the American distributor of the brand who told him the first dealer had sent it to him for repair. This was not told to me. Of course I was outraged. But I hadn't asked. If I had known I would never have bought it.

So this is my question: What obligation does a seller on audiogon have to tell a client an item has been serviced if a dumb customer doesn't ask?

Still burned by the loss of so much money and the jerking around and what seems to be a couple of lies.

Steve I just saw your last line. Wow. Are you a psychic? Not the brand but the quirk.
There is one silver lining, and it sounds like, given the trade for the unwanted preamp, perhaps you finally found what you were looking for. No longer wanting a component you bought means that the quest continues, and eventually you WILL find the holy grail that fits your needs. Let us know how whatever you replaced it with works out.
The reason I asked that question was because I home demoed a CJ 17LS preamp years ago from a dealer and, after one day, I realized I could not live with the banging and clanging from a high end preamp. It just didn't make sense, no matter how good the thing sounded. Yeah, quirks are hard to pinpoint and evaluate until they sit in our systems and not the showroom. I'll bet unwanted noise from a component is one of the "top ten's" of why we are disatisfied with a piece of gear. Maybe I should start a thread asking that very question, hmmm... 

I, for one, wouldn't consider a serviced item to be a negative. Quite the contrary.
If I am selling something, and find an issue, I will have it corrected before selling. 
If a buyer finds the need to have an unserviced unit, then he/she should buy new.
I bought a Doshi modified amp here from someone with thousands of posts and perfect feedback.Turns out the amp had been back and forth for repairs more than once just before I bought it, which was not disclosed in the ad. When I got it, it stopped working after a few hours. I very well might not have bought the amp had the seller disclosed the repair history. I lucked out, as Nick Doshi agreed to fix it, and did not charge me for it, so I never confronted the seller about it.