Replace Caps?

just wondering if the need to replace amp capacitors have a particular sonic imprint.
Generally, most who replace old power supply caps report either nothing, or lower noise and more powerful bass.
@erik_squires …………..

Would the sonic signature change if you used "boutique caps" instead of the same?

Power supply caps tend to be pretty limited. Signal caps might, especially input/output coupling caps.

Post removed 
I've been looking for a "bug" in my system...a kind of resonance sound - like something loose and vibrating in the speakers themselves - a "fuzz".  I removed the tweeters which were sent back from the manufacturer as being fine...removed the mids - same story....removed the crossover - same story.  I noticed that the sound gets worse after a couple of minutes of - out went my 130 lb. amp.  The manufacturer says everything specs out ok, but would recommend changing the caps (2) - fine .....we'll take a listen upon its return.  I've been chasing this thing for over a year.