Very nice stuff for the time and certainly by my standards then! My first stereo was a nondescript Panasonic component system, component in the sense that it had four parts, a receiver, a pair of speakers, and a mini-turntable that had one of those cartridges with the needle that flipped over, playing 33's/45's with one side and 78's with the other. The next turntable was a used AR XA that got an M91ED in 1972. The M91ED was the not only the smallest part of the system that replaced the Panasonic but, since it was the only part I bought new, the most expensive.
Very nice stuff for the time and certainly by my standards then! My first stereo was a nondescript Panasonic component system, component in the sense that it had four parts, a receiver, a pair of speakers, and a mini-turntable that had one of those cartridges with the needle that flipped over, playing 33's/45's with one side and 78's with the other. The next turntable was a used AR XA that got an M91ED in 1972. The M91ED was the not only the smallest part of the system that replaced the Panasonic but, since it was the only part I bought new, the most expensive.