Do you listen to equipment or music.

This Blog got me to thinking about the subject:;postID=191909277...
In the past I have spent hours listening to the same part of the same song just to fine tune various components of the of the audio system. I even move speakers and listen - move them again and listen more. Sometimes I wonder what I am doing. Whatever it is, when I get into this mode, I am not listening to the music.  It would be nice how the community feels about listening to music or equipment.
I've been in high end since 1963. All audiophiles listen to equipment then if there is any time left--music.

Back then what were the battles?
Mono vs. Stereo
Consoles Vs Separates
I heard my first real stereo system while serving in Vietnam in 1971 and have been hooked ever since. Maybe not surprisingly, my preference runs toward gear from the 70s era when I want to listen to music and not be concerned with the equipment. But even then, gear from that era has an edge due to its amazing visual image. I guess it all depends what was going on at the time your audiophile/stereoholic affliction began. Anyway, I say let's all have fun and enjoy the hobby.

The Audiophile community makes up a super set that is composed of two subgroups, Equipment-philes and Music-philes. These subsets do have a union as many audiophiles belong to both groups. Those who belong to the Music-phile group are in it for the music but do see audio equipment as a means to allow them to best enjoy and fully connect with the music, but the difference is once they have reached a level where they are fully achieving that, they are done. Equipment-philes are never done because their goal is to always upgrade to the best they can afford. Music-philes have a satisfaction end point while Equipment-philes don't because they are on a journey with no end.

And as a Music-phile, I would personally like to thank all the Equipment-philes for continually demanding higher standards and pushing the audio envelope for better products and being willing to buy these higher-end products so that we Music-philes can also realize the benefits. But make no mistake it is the Equipment-philes that should get the credit for pushing the industry forward.

Some very good responses and a great topic, indeed. 
This hobby, for me at least, is about enjoying the music. But, I have fallen deep into the rabbit hole. Just ask my enabler audiofoo friends. ( yes, audiofoos because we are fools when it comes to this...!) 
 Generally, Newbee, Millercarbon and Schroeder get it right, IMHO.