You can stream to remote speakers via Bluetooth or AirPlay.
I am unclear if the "remote" speakers are going to be in a different room
as your main listening area or a different room. I am also unclear if you need to be streaming to your main speakers and the remote speakers simultaneously. If so, that is a bit tricky, because I don't know if a computer or streamer that will send a "conventional" digital signal to a dac can simultaneously send the same signal via Bluetooth or Airplay.
If the remote speakers are in a different room, the old school solution would be use an AVR that can do multiple zones in place of the Parasound, and then run speaker wires to those speakers, but you presumably have vetoed that.
One solution for you might be to use Apple Home Pods as your remote speakers, and an Apple Computer as the streamer, and see if you can simultaneously stream and do Air Play. It might work better if it stays in an all Apple environment, but I really don't know that, just speculating