Don Sach's pre amp

I know these are custom made tube pre amps I am debating on getting one any audiogon members who have this pre amp can they give me a feed back on these /
I'm considering the Sach's Custom preamp. I love the use of 6SN7's in the gain stage. The one thing I'm wondering is the use of a cathode-follower is like a double-edged sword; low noise and distortion, but this design usually has a modern tube sound; extended highs and a lack of warmth.
I like transparency and open sonics, but I've owned preamps that sounded similar to solid state. I don't like the dark "syrup" tube sound, but want a preamp that presents tube bloom.

Any comments on this by Sachs owners? I'm using an EL34 push-pull amp.

Don Sachs has relentlessly fashioned tweaks to his preamp since its creation, two of which I have had including an upgrade from Mundorf Silver Oil caps to Jupiter caps in the past which was marvelous.  I sent the preamp back a couple of weeks ago for three new upgrades:  one allows a more potent rectifier; another involved all internal Dueland wiring; and finally and most importantly, the substitution of sonically  equivalent caps to the extremely pricey but excellent Dueland output caps.  

I got the upgraded preamp back a few days ago and the upgrades are just astonishing and are likely not fully run in yet.  There is more pinpoint accuracy to the instruments in a wider soundstage and bit more hefty and control in the LF response.  Tons of air around the instruments, even more holographic than before.  Easily a 15% improvement overall, if I had put a number on it.  The cost of the upgrades was very reasonable, indeed, in comparison to the sonic improvement I am hearing. 

For around $2700, this is simply the finest preamp -- tube or solid state, that I have ever had in my system and I have had lots of them before I got this preamp 4 years ago, several significantly more costly.  If you are an owner of an earlier version of that which he currently sells, the upgrade to the new caps and the wiring modification in order to use the more robust 6BY5 rectifier is a very efficacious investment.  

In a weeks' time, I will receive his bespoke KT88-based amplifier to complete the front end of my system.   I heard the amp in my system recently and it was sonically far more three-dimensional than my wonderful Platinum-upgraded McCormack DNA .05 solid state amp.  Don's amp has all the control in the LF range and simply throws an expansive 3-D soundstage which is incomparable to the McCormack.  Tonally, they are quite similar, but the soundstage with Don's amp is vastly more realistic... the music just seems to float in the air.  
@whitestix  ... this is good news, indeed. I recently ordered a fully tricked-out Model 2 from Don with larger caps to drive my low impedance SS power amp and subwoofer. Had to get the black case because the larger caps won't fit in the wood case. Nonetheless, I am really excited about it, and am eager to hear the difference between the Model 2 and my beloved BAT VK-3i preamp, which I've used for the last 16 years. Hopefully, the Model 2 will be a huge upgrade. Thanks for the mini-review.
rib61 - looking forward to hear your impressions of the pre amp, can I ask what ss amp you are using and what speakers?
Thanks !
@whitestix,.. Congratulations I already have the Dueland wiring and Jupiter caps , Don upgraded  my pre-amp last year so I will wait to get his new uprades !  this is one Unit that will stay in my system others may come and go , I am looking forward to listening to your KT-88 Kooteney , as I have been considering get one for a long time !