Best MM?

I want to try a MM with my Herron VTPH-2a. What's the best one? Maestro 2, Zephyr III, AT VM760SLC? Something else?

Sorry chakster, One should not trust anyone. I like you very

much but according to Raul I own the ''best ever'' ADC 26

which is according to you not only ''cheap'' but also mediocre.

It is , obviously, in my own interest to believe Raul more than

you. Besides I own about 40 MM carts thanks Raul's carts

of the week , the months and now of all years.

Dear chakster, I don't believe that you ever owned one of

those ADC 25/26and 27. I just listened to my ADC 26 and

am very much impressed. Never heard Portuguese guitar

more natural sounding before.  Speaking in your terms

never seen such low mass cantilever/stylus combo. My

only problem is light hum which I only get with MM carts and

never with my MC carts. I deed try everything but alas.

My only new idea is to connect ground of both cart connectors

together. Ground is an real enigma but looks very simple

because everything is connected with ''the same'' ground.

But before trying I hope to hear from my comembers if

anybody has try this ''solution''.

another great thing about MM cartridges.... they can pretty much track anything.