Really...My favorite power tube is reissue that's not widely popular

If you run 6l6/EL34 variants, I HIGHLY recommend trying this tube out.  The Tung Sol 7581A reissue.  I've had these for a good bit of time and compared them against KT150s, EL34s (several brands), KT88s, and maybe another that I'm forgetting.  They are a mere $30 a pop and they are the best tube I have heard. I know that's a brave bold statement to make as there is so much competition out there and the tube is very much under the radar from what I can tell.  

After having these around for a long time (and in and out of the amp), I had them in and was nearly spellbound one night by how great they sounded upon reentry into my amp.  I did a search and could only find one review, which I agree wholeheartedly with.  You can find it here:

I am nearly incredulous there isn't hype out there about this tube.  Simply my favorite tube.  I thought I'd pass this along as it may be much cheaper to give them a whirl then fuss with a much more expensive power cord, cable, or other tweak.  
I have an octet of lightly used (less than 100 hours) Gold Lion KT77's from Tube Audio Store that I paid $600 for.   Will sell for $265 delivered if anyone is interested. 
I've played with pretty much every new/reissue tube and own all NOS EL34s available. There is only one king: Amperex EL34. Nothing even comes close. Old Mullards are nice, but the Amperex EL34s are simply the best, kind of like the original Genalex KT88s (still own two NOS matched quads). Then of course there are the new KT150s, which in the right amp, I feel just give the best of what NOS tubes had, plus total grip of woofers that no EL34 or KT88 can give. I'm keeping my collection for when I get back into two way bookshelf speakers again. 
New KT77s at VIVA are 287 bucks for an octet...matched, free shipping, 90 day guarantee return policy, and that’s where my recent pair came from.
I put my GL kt77s back in my Rogue m180 darks and while they sounded good the kt120s are still a better match, bigger, more open with better bass control. Still open to try the 6L6 tung sol though.