Aqua xHD v Rockna WD SE Balanced

Moving up from Schiit Yggy. And before folks start bashing Yggy— it’s no slouch — particularly at $10k and under. I’m here to ask if anyone has experience with or has compared these 2 DAC’s. Thanks very much in advance for any/all subjective comments!
Can't comment on the Rockna, but two friends and I spent a couple of weekends comparing Formula demo loaner, his Yggy and unremembered model of Meridian DAC built-in to his $10k-ish preamp. After many hours of listening, both blind and IDed, we all preferred the Aqua by a decent margin. Both well-heeled guys ended up buying Formulas and still love them. FWIW, the one who didn't own the Yggy owned an Aqua La Scala at the time, so he was already a fan of the company(with good reason, IMHO!).
If I ran into a windfall, the Formula and Bricasti DACs would be atop my list for serious consideration. Cheers,
To me the xHD is much quieter, blacker, with a wider soundstage and better overall  grip. But It’s darker and more opaque as well and has WAY more bass.  Yggy is more open and airy. When it comes to imaging Yggy places you closer or brings everything more forward depending on your perspective. So far I liken this observation to comparing a 16x9 flatpanel (Yggy) to a 2.35:1 curved anamorphic (xHD). With Yggy everything is pretty well centered and uniform top to bottom while the xHD although having a wider sound stage seems shorter in scale top to bottom and recessed the middle. It’s really great with large format classical/orchestral although doesn’t seem to really image as well or keep pace with small ensemble jazz and rock which is where Yggy tends to shine in my system. Being a musician I liken it to the xHD being tube rectified with the Yggy being solid state. 

Just my my own subjective observations. Thanks for all the comments thus far! 

With any luck I’ll have the Rockna by next weekend :)

Did you end up buying the fully Balanced Rockna? Are you located in US?

I was fortunate enough to compare this DAC in my system. Rockna has a weightier, substantial, focused and more frontal in-room soundstage than any other DAC (including AQUA xHD). It will play your recordings with utmost faithfulness and detail.
Yes getting in the fully balanced Rockna signature edition. If it’s my fav it’s not going back. LOL.
I would straight up stay away from both and either get a Metrum Pavane or an MSB Analog. Aqua is overpriced for a rolled off dac, Rockna...not sure but why bother?