Do posters intend to hurt the feelings of other members?

It is usually the case that members engage in spirited, often passionate, discussions in threads. That’s normal. Regrettably, often those discussions veer off the tracks, where members are offended or genuinely have their feelings hurt by the content of others’ post(s). 

Do posters intend to hurt the feelings of other members? Your thoughts?
@nonoise - I love that movie! I went hunting for the Barbara Billingsly clip a few weeks ago and saw a highlight reel. That movie could not be made anymore. They insulted everybody! Some of it was silly, but there were scenes I had forgotten about that had me gasping for breath. Stellar cast, too. 
+1 for that movie!One of my faves:)The rest of the clip of Ron Howard is interesting/funny also.
@whart  I agree. No single term, moniker or stereotype is sufficient to characterize an individual much less a generation.

But that does not mean that there aren't trends and characteristics among generations that shape the cultures they live in.

I would also say that your sample group, post graduate students, is a small sample and pretty much selected for successful and hard working types.

The truth is that 'micro-aggressions" and "trigger words" are first world luxuries........if not neuroses. 

Neurosis is always a substitute for legitimate suffering.

Carl Jung

@n80--True. I guess my point was that when you engage with people in person, particularly one on one, or in small enough groups that you can have a conversation, people are more alike than different in some ways. You find commonality. And, to come full circle, that may be where communication on the Internet falls short. Sure, we join here in a common pursuit, but it is different than talking in person. Though, truth be told, when I was involved in an audio club back in the day, not much serious business got done. We did have a good time, though.